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LWL X FTCG: Girl Talk, College Life, HBCU vs PWI, Navigating Adulthood, Dating In College & more!

Writer's picture: Lindsay Lindsay

The Crossover You Never Knew You Needed!

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For this week's blog post we are collaborating with For The College Girl for a girl talk to talk about college life, relationships, navigating young adulthood, balancing school and etc. For The College Girl is a platform that was created as a safe space for the girls which I love and appreciate. The owner, Raegan is so sweet and I truly enjoyed creating this blog post with her. I hope y'all love this blog post just as much as I loved creating it!

1.) What made you want to start your blog?

Lindsay: I started my blog because of my passion for writing. I have always loved writing but during the pandemic, I realized just how much I truly loved writing. I realized that I wanted to start writing blog posts about fashion, lifestyle, and beauty! I wanted to give girls around my age a resource to learn more about topics that they are passionate about as well!

Raegan: I started my blog because it became an outlet for me to express my creativity and write about things that I like. This was especially beneficial for me during the pandemic. Since I was very young around 17 at the time it was nice to create a platform and build a platform that inspires people to get the dream life that they’ve always wanted, which of course still the same but now we have the college life aspect to it.

2.) What are some advice or tips you could give young black girls wanting to attend a PWI?

Lindsay: The best advice that I could give to black girls wanting to attend a PWI is to trust your instincts and don’t let peer pressure make your college decision. Whether you go to an HBCU or PWI it is important that you are going because it is the right university for you. In recent years, I feel like going to an HBCU has become more popular. This is an amazing thing except when it makes students feel pressure to attend an HBCU for a trend.

Raegan: Honestly I would say girl go for it! HBCU’s aren’t for everyone or simply not everyone wants to attend one and that’s okay. Don’t get me wrong I love the culture at HBCU’s and what they represent for the Black community but no one should feel like an outcast because you don’t want to attend one. College is college. You get the same degree anywhere you go. It’s all about the experience that you want for yourself.

3.) What is some advice you would give to a young black girl who is struggling to decide between a PWI or HBCU?

Lindsay: I decided to choose a PWI because I wanted to attend a SEC school that wasn’t close to home. I wanted to branch out from my previous education environment that was quite small. I decided to attend a large PWI because I knew that I could still find my community despite attending a PWI. I still have moments where I sometimes wish I did go to an HBCU but I am still proud of my decision to attend a PWI.

Raegan: For me, I chose a PWI because I’ve always wanted to go these big institutions like Syracuse, NYU, UGA, etc. It never occurred to me that these were PWI’s, I just saw it as a university. I didn’t really understand the term HBCU until I got to high school. I think I’ve gotten comfortable with being in a diverse environment even though I did grow up in a black neighborhood. I was always labeled as “white girl” because of the music I listened to or because of how I talked. In middle school I ended up going to a more diverse school and I felt more comfortable. There were other people like me there and for once I didn’t feel alone. I became used to the diverse community and I just didn’t know if I would fit in at an HBCU. As Lindsay said, there are times where I do wish I gave it a chance or what it would be like for me but at the end of day I think attending a PWI was ultimately the best decision for me. So if you’re battling the decision, I would say go with what you feel the most comfortable with and how it benefits you.

4.) How did you decide your major? Have you thought about changing?

Lindsay: I actually wanted to major in business at first but I realized that I wasn't that passionate about it. I have always loved writing but it was just a hobby to me at first so that’s why I didn’t immediately choose Mass Communication as my major. My blog made me realize how much I truly love the world of journalism. I am also inspired by my mother as we both share a love for journalism. She also majored in Mass Communication while in undergrad.

Raegan: So I’ve been all over the place with what I wanted to with my major. It took me a while to get to where I am now. In my first semester of college I was an education major, I wasn’t sure if that’s something I wanted to do or not so I switched to psychology and added a pre-med concentration. I don’t know why I did that, I don’t even like science lol. But now I am thinking about dropping the pre-med overly because I don’t feel like it’s the right path for me anymore. But I hope to find peace very soon with just my psychology major.

5.) What is your day to day routine and how do you manage your blog and extracurriculars along with school?

Lindsay: My day to day routine varies but typically I am done with all of my classes by midday and I spend the rest of my afternoon doing homework. After doing my homework, it is usually time for me to do work for LWL. I like to spend thirty to forty-five minutes each day creating content or writing articles. After that, I return back to campus and attend an event for my extracurriculars. Sometimes it is hard to manage my blog along with my extracurriculars but I just take it day by day and set reminders as I go!

Raegan: My day to day routine is very crazy this year. Last year I could easily tell you but if I’m being honest I’m all over the place lol. But I’m normally done with my classes by noon except Thursdays I have one afternoon class. But usually after class I’m doing work study at my university’s admissions office and then after I go to tutoring or go to the library to do homework/study. Once I get back to my room I’m so tired, I instantly go into my night routine, so I unfortunately don’t even get enough time to work on FTCG like I want to. I’m trying to work on it. It's just very hard especially if you’re trying to stay involved on campus as well.

6.) What has been your experience when it comes to building relationships/ friendships with other people on campus?

Lindsay: So currently, I am a sophomore and the biggest thing that I have learned when it comes to building relationships/friendships is that you MUST put yourself out there. Nothing changes if nothing changes is the best piece of advice that I can give if you are struggling to build relationships/friendships. For most of my freshman year, it was just me and my roommate (love her). The roommate portal really did its thing when it put us together. We are thick as thieves but it was hard for us to branch out and cultivate other friendships outside of one another . One day though, we both decided to put ourselves out there and now we have the best group of friends that we could ask for!

Raegan: So just like Linds said I’m also a sophomore. My freshman year was like a movie for me as far as building relationships and hanging out with friends. Getting to know people was so easy and fun mostly because all freshmen lived in one building. Now it’s very different. I stay in an apartment now so I'm not as close with people as I used to be. I’ve become very antisocial lol but it is difficult maintaining friendships especially if your schedules don’t align. But what I have learned is that you don’t have to try so hard to be included with other people. Continue to be yourself and trust me your people will find you.

7.) What are your thoughts on dating and relationships in college?

Lindsay: This question is tricky for me because I have such mixed opinions about this question. For all my freshman girlies, all I’m going to say is for at least the first semester just focus on yourself because everyone is still transitioning from high school and will not be ready for commitment just yet in my personal opinion and experience. Of course, this is not the case for everyone, some will be ready for that but not all. I have had a positive experience with dating and relationships in college but it wasn’t until the second semester of my freshman year. My perception of dating and relationships in college has definitely changed since being in my current relationship and I am very grateful for that. I have learned that you are never asking for too much, you are just asking the wrong person lol. Moral of the story is don’t settle, lol.

Raegan: I 100% agree with her on this. My story is a bit crazy, lol. A lot of people coming straight into college aren’t really looking for a relationship, they just want to find someone to mess around with. In my case the first semester of college did end up working out for me but it was very unexpected and I’m completely happy the way everything worked out. My advice would be if you are a freshman don’t come in blind and thinking that these guys are mature. You have to be able to recognize who’s for real and who’s not if you’re a relationship girlie. I actually do believe that relationships in college are worth something vs a relationship in high school. In college, you’re basically an adult and you’re wanting to build a life for yourself, and what better way to meet someone with the same goals. I know that’s not the case for everyone but I'll admit I'm totally a hopeless romantic type of girl lol. Bottom line, keep your eyes open.

8.) What has been the hardest part about navigating young adulthood in college?

Lindsay: The hardest part about navigating young adulthood in college has been managing my responsibilities. I am fortunate that my parents can help me so much financially but I am still tasked with other responsibilities such as my academics. My education is my main priority but I try to also maintain a social life as well and that can sometimes be a challenge.

Raegan: The hardest part for me has been doing everything on my own. It’s been very hard for me to accept that I’m an adult and every decision that I make is up to me. It’s very scary at times but also freeing. Leaving high school where everything was decided for you and on a tight schedule from the time you got there to the time you left, to now in college, you pick your own classes, you decide whether or not you go to class, you decide if you eat lunch or what time you’ll go to bed. It’s very exciting at first but once you let bad habits take over, it ruins everything. So I guess to sum it up, having self discipline and acknowledging that I am not a child anymore has been the hardest part about navigating adulthood.

9.) What is one piece of advice you wish you knew before attending college?

Lindsay: The one piece of advice that I wish I knew before attending college is “nothing changes if nothing changes.” During my first semester at college, nothing was like I imagined. I finally realized that “nothing changes if nothing changes.” Once I developed this mindset, my life instantly changed. I begin to start going out more, being more open to new opportunities, and actively trying to stay out of my comfort zone as well. This is the best advice I can give to anyone in college that is struggling with the social experience of college.

Raegan: Something I wish I knew was that nothing stays the same. I’ve shared a lot about my freshman experience and things I wish I knew before attending college on my blog. The biggest thing for me overall was that nothing ever stays the same. I went into college thinking it was like all the movies and tv shows I’ve seen. I thought that I met my group of people and that we were all going to get through college together but it didn’t work out that way. What you’ll learn in college if not your freshman year is that people change, priorities change, you may change your major a few times, and most importantly you change as well (for the better, I hope). While change is scary and disappointing at times, it can also be a good thing for you.

10.) What has been the biggest change you have had to adapt to since beginning your college journey?

Lindsay: The biggest change I have had to adapt to since the beginning of my college journey is being away from my family and friends. I am very family oriented and being away from them was an adjustment. I try to cherish my time when I do go home and stay in contact when I return to campus!

Raegan: The biggest change I had to adapt to is kind of similar to one of the previous questions, which is finally accepting that I’m an adult. Becoming an adult has always been very scary to me because I always fear that I’ll make wrong decisions or make a mistakes, but that’s a part of life. I’ve learned that at times there is no “right or wrong” decision and it’s okay to make mistakes. This is still very hard til this day for me to accept but I always try to remind myself of that. For anyone else who is also struggling with this, know that it’s okay to feel uneasy and you will be okay. I promise.

Many thanks again to For The College Girl for collaborating with us and we wish you much success in the future!

Make sure to follow For The College Girl and Raegan to see more of her content!

Instagram: @raegananiyahh


Thank you so much for reading.

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Until the next blog post!

Lindsay Mariah

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