It's time for a fresh start

Spring has been deemed the season to give a refresh to our lives and routines.
I love the season of spring. It is a time for establishing new goals and habits, which is good if you have fallen behind on the goals that you established at beginning of the year.
The three main focuses for this article will be: productivity, health, and self-care
It has officially been three months since the start of the year. This time frame determines if you are on task with your goals or not. Don't get discouraged if you have fallen behind or are simply not where you thought you would be with your goals.
Take this time as a time to reset. Think about the following questions when refreshing your goals to promote productivity:
"Am I investing the time it will take for me to achieve my goals at work/school?"
"Am I committed to making changes to my daily habits to achieve my new goals?"
" Will making these changes help me to obtain my goals"
Being productive does not always necessarily mean being only productive with your work.
Being productive can be mean being productive during your downtime whether that's: taking a walk, reading a book, or journaling.
Many at the beginning of the year set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight, gain a certain amount of weight, or simply just to be more in shape. If you have not reached your goal just yet consider changing your workout routines and eating habits to something new that will align with your new goals.
If you have worked out consistently but do not see any results, take the time to decide on which area of your body you would like to focus on first and then move on to the other areas each day. By doing this you will be setting a routine that works for you and your schedule. It will also take the pressure off of you regarding your fitness goals.
Also, consider different alternatives to just diets and working out in the gym. Since it is warmer outside as well.
You can consider going for runs around your neighborhood instead of on the treadmill some days this will also promote productivity. It will also be a nice change of scenery and hopefully brighten your day as well.
Take a yoga class with friends, a soul cycle class, or even a dance class. This is a fun way to get active and it also takes away the pressure because you are just having fun while also being active.
Self- Care
Showing love to ourselves sometimes is a hard goal to obtain because many of us neglect ourselves after we show care once. After all, we believe that one time is enough.
Spoiler alert: it's not.
Self-care is more than just doing a face mask, it is taking the time to appreciate yourself and give back to yourself as well.
Give yourself some time and think about if you have been showing enough care to yourself.
Self-care can be anything you make it, just make sure that you are truly doing something that will show appreciation to yourself.
One way I have recently tried to provide myself with self-care is by listening to wellness podcasts instead of music. This gives my mind a break from music and it gives me time to reflect.
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