It is officially 2024 and officially your year! This is the year of you. Everything you desire will come to fruition if you put the work in. It's nice to have a pretty vision board but if you don't have a solid plan then it doesn't matter.
You have to be willing to put the work in for your goals! Once you begin accomplishing your goals, you will be so grateful that you did and you can become the best version of yourself. A new year symbolizes new beginnings and new opportunities so take full advantage of it.
“To bring about change, you must not be afraid totake the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.” - Rosa Parks
In years past, I have always set goals for the new year but for some reason, I could never accomplish them. Last year, I was very determined to accomplish the goals that I set out for myself and I did! I intentionally set out goals that I knew I could accomplish and that was a game changer. I made a detailed plan and stuck with it. The key to successfully accomplishing your goals is to make specific goals instead of general goals. I used to make very general goals and that got me nowhere. For example, I would say I want to work out more or eat better but that's not specific enough. Instead, I should specify exactly what I want to accomplish whether that's becoming stronger or losing weight.
These two goals are my goals for the new year so I made a workout plan and began planning healthy meals for the next few weeks. This is just one example of how to become the best version of you in 2024. To become the best version of you it starts within and you must look within to see what you can improve on. With that being said, never forget that you are already the best you and that you are simply evolving as we all do in life. Please understand this and recognize this before you try to change anything. I can not stress the importance of knowing how special you are.
Becoming the best version of you shouldn't become a burden and that is so important to remember before you embark on this journey this year. Be patient with yourself and love every version of yourself no matter if you do or don't accomplish all of your goals. Give yourself grace and space to grow without the cloud of self-disappointment glooming over yourself.
One honorable mention that I think is helpful to becoming the best version of you this year is to start dedicating more time to yourself. Invest in yourself whether that's with your skincare routine or your carrer. Just start doing more of what you love and the best version of you will begin showing up in all areas of your life.
Thank you so much for reading.
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