It has been some time since I have written a post focused on lifestyle or wellness and there is a reason for that.
As previously stated in my last blog post, I only want to post quality work on LWL. I want LWL to keep growing and flourishing as a whole and I don't believe that I was ready to write lifestyle or wellness blog posts in the past.
I do believe that I am ready now though! I am so excited to share my wellness journey with everyone.
I hope that my experiences and tips with this topic can help anyone struggling with the same thing!
In today's blog post, I will be discussing a topic that I have been working on with myself since the beginning of this year. I can now proudly say that I have grown since I started this process and I am eternally grateful for that.
To begin living in the present and healing the past is vital to our growth as human beings. The only way out is through and we must all start somewhere. It doesn't matter when we start or how we start just as long as we do!
I am so grateful for everything and everyone that God has placed into my life this year alone. At times though, I was not allowing myself to fully enjoy these blessings due to me not healing from my past. It's hard to say what specifically would prohibit me from enjoying my blessings. I came to the realization though that it was because I wouldn't address my past. When I acknowledged that with myself is when everything changed. I realized that I was constantly thinking of the past and how if only I had the opportunity to go back in time and fix my mistakes that my life would be better. Sadly, that was not the answer to my problems and I knew this.
My journey truly began when I started spending more time with God and alone. Being alone, forced me to face my fears of what was holding me back. I also wrote a lot of things down on this journey. Journaling helped me because I was able to get everything out. Writing things down physically makes everything seem more real to me. Journaling helped me process what I was scared to face from my past. I recommend journaling to everyone but I especially recommend it if you're starting this journey.
I was scared of rejection, failure, and not living up to my full potential. When I shared these feelings with trusted loved ones, I realized that I wasn't alone and that helped me with my journey too. I believe that everyone should dedicate time for themselves to be alone every day even if that time is in the shower. For me, the way I acknowledge my past was by talking to myself and saying what was scaring me.
After a couple of weeks, I began to feel more confident. I also began to actively live in the present. At times though, I would feel pressure from my past so I would just remind myself that I am grateful for where I am and where I am going. This action might seem small, but it is very impactful in the moment. By allowing myself to acknowledge my past and acknowledge how grateful I am for the lessons that my past gave me I was able to begin my healing process.
Of course, what works for me may not work for you but I hope through my experience and my tips you have gained insightful knowledge to help you in your journey.
Comment down below what I should write about next!
Thank you so much for reading.
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Hello LWL, I enjoyed your postings and I look forward to reading them. I love what you wrote, putting God first is the most crucial part of this and learning from your mistakes. I haven't started journaling but I do set a game plan and revisit my plan. I haven't gotten that organized yet. You said something that really was important..learn from your past and hopefully you'll be able to move forward.
Truly enjoy your writing, thanks for sharing your thoughts.🙂
Hello LWL, I enjoyed your postings and I look forward to reading them. I love what you wrote, putting God first is the most crucial part of this and learning from your mistakes. I haven't started journaling but I do set a game plan and revisit my plan. I haven't gotten that organized yet. You said something that really was important..learn from your past and hopefully you'll be able to move forward.
Truly enjoy your writing, thanks for sharing your thoughts.🙂