In this week's blog post, we will discuss how to embrace Christmas to the fullest. Within the last few years, the meaning of Christmas has shifted and evolved for me. I believe this is a natural feeling that many can relate to as time goes on and we begin to grow up. Christmas at its core is about the savior being born and that has always made the holidays special to me. I also love spending time with my friends and family during this time as well.
Sometimes embracing the Christmas spirit can be hard. Many argue that Christmas doesn't begin until December 1st but I believe that you can begin embracing Christmas the second week in November lol. It doesn't have to be much but a festive wreath hung on the door never hurt. I believe to truly embrace Christmas, you must begin shifting to all things Christmas a little early so that by December 25th, you have truly embraced Christmas.
Here are LWL's top 5 ways to Romanticize the holidays this season and embrace Christmas to the fullest.
1.) Start listening to Christmas music at least once a day
This one is self-explanatory but if you start listening to Christmas music more frequently, you will find yourself in a more festive mood.
2.) Plan a girl's night Christmas Edition
Send that text to the group chat and start planning your girl's night Christmas edition! You and your girls can get matching pajamas and do Christmas activities. Personally, I love a good theme and Christmas themes are my favorite. Be on the lookout for aminiInstagram series focused on this!
3.) Decorate, decorate, DECORATE
Start decorating your space with Christmas decorations! I love Christmas decorations, there are so many ways to decorate for Christmas that you can never go wrong with any choice. I love a completely white theme or a pink theme obvi.
4.) Research and attend Christmas events happening in your town
I love attending the Christmas events in my town, after attending I am always more excited for the Christmas season. I truly look forward to attending every year. My personal favorite is looking at Christmas lights,
5.) Watch your favorite Christmas Movie
Watching your favorite Christmas movie, can definitely help get you in the spirit for Christmas!
Thank you so much for reading.
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