For this upcoming semester, I want to share some advice that I have found helpful in balancing my college life and social life. Being in college and maintaining a healthy balance between these two is definitely not easy. In 2024 though, we are no longer choosing what world to live in but instead co-existing in both. It is possible to have the best of both worlds with the right preparation.
The key to maintaining a balance between your college life and social life is to first acknowledge that it is okay for these two worlds to co exist. Don't forget this is the year of you and you deserve to have fun outside of school without feeling guilty. There is more to life than school but at the same time don't get so consumed in your social life that your academics are affected. There is a healthy way to balance the two and once you find that balance you are golden.
What works best for me is to plan my life down to the tiniest detail. At the beginning of every month, I write down all of my important academic dates such as upcoming tests, homework due dates, and tutoring sessions. Next, I include important dates from my social life such as birthdays, friend dates, and campus events. This is very helpful for me and helps me to stay organized. It also helps me visualize how much time I dedicate to both my college life and social life.
“Don't Get So Busy Making A Living That You Forget To Make A Life - Dolly Parton
In the past, I have often become so consumed with my academic life that my social life was affected and I hated that. That's why last semester I made it a point to change my habits to further prevent this from happening again. This is why I feel more than capable of providing my audience with advice on this topic. I have come to realize that this is a common problem among college students and that I am not alone.
Along with planning my schedule ahead of time, I also try to actively pour into my relationships so that I don't feel like my social life is being affected. This varies in actions, for example, I try to reach out to my friends and plan outings so that we can always have something to look forward to! No matter what you do, make sure that are pouring into your college life and social life as well.
In conclusion, remember to be kind to yourself and to give yourself grace. You deserve to live life to the fullest without guilt attached to it. College is not forever and it will go by fast so make memories that you can look back on and smile about ;)
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